My clients get tired of me telling them to read the labels. Here is one case that it is very important. I checked the B-12 that I take, its one of the good ones. .
Meet the hero!
Vitamin B-12 has the largest and most complex chemical structure of all vitamins. It contains the metal ion cobalt and thus, the term cobalamin is used for the scientific name of B-12. The coenzyme form of vitamin B-12, AKA methylcobalamin, is the primary form of the vitamin used by the body.
Vitamin B-12 is essential for optimum liver function and is critical for normal brain and nervous system operation. B-12 deficiencies can lead to symptoms that are mistaken for Alzheimer's disease. Low B-12 levels can cause irritability, apathy, confusion, forgetfulness, serious depression, dementia, paranoia and/or hallucinations.
Sometimes a little methylcobalamin is enough to boost the old mental blues.A Johns Hopkins study recorded that women with the lowest levels of B-12 were up to four times more likely to develop breast cancer than those with higher levels. B-12 deficiency is connected to osteoporosis as B-12 is crucial to the formation of osteoblasts (bone-forming cells). Studies also show that intramuscular methylcobalamin injections are a very wonderful source of shingles relief.
Meet the villain
The history of vitamin B-12 and the switch from the methyl to the cyanide form of B-12 is the result of using charcoal to filter extracts during the isolation of B-12. Cyanide in charcoal rapidly converts all natural forms of B-12 into the cheaper "more stable" (but NOT better) cyanide form. Because of this fact, the discovery of B-12 coenzymes and their life-altering metabolic role was delayed for years. Once again, Big Money and sloppy science are helping destroy your health.
Most B-12 circulating in the blood is in the methylcobalamin form. Before the body can use the cyanocobalamin form, it must be converted by the liver to methylcobalamin. Not only does the cyanide in cyanocobalamin poison you like some crazy rendition of
Arsenic and Old Lace, the cyanide actually depletes your body of stored methyl groups. At the same time, these methyls are needed to synthesize cobalamin in your liver.
Children with autism do not process methylate properly - causing anxiety, panic and other problems. High Homocysteine levels in Autism are caused by the lack of methylation. Methylcobalamin is the only form of vitamin B-12 which can directly participate in homocysteine metabolism in children with Autism and other development issues.
Methylcobalamin is the most reduced form of vitamin B-12; possible making it a very potent antioxidant. This is one of the main vitamins which many people are deficient in. This is especially true in older adults and vegetarians. If you buy the supplement or take a B-12 shot, always use the active methylcobalamin form and NEVER use the cyanocobalamin form that has cyanide attached to it.
Throw away your cyanocobalamin and find some methylcobalamin today.
Sources for this article Stellpflug - Natural News