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Telezyme - Telomerase Enzyme AUTO SHIP
Telezyme - Telomerase Enzyme - the NEW telomerase enzyme supplement designed to support your telomeres - Telezyme - Enriching Gifts
Enriching Gifts Telezyme - Telomerase Enzyme - AUTOSHIP

Telezyme Auto Ship


Enriching Gifts

120 Capsules per Bottle / 400 mg

TELEZYME is our newest Dietary Supplement that contains the actual Telomerase Enzyme you have been hearing so much about. This AUTOSHIP product does not qualify for any additional discounts.

Our Price: $119.95

Monthly price of $119.95

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)

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Description Instructions Ingredients
Telezyme Ingredients and Instructions
TELEZYME contains the actual Telomerase Enzyme that provides telomere support for your chromosomes.
Nobel Prize Winning research has shown that Telomerase Enzyme actually increases the length of the Telomere cap on your chromosomes. This product is 100% organic and also contains our famous GR8CF-77 Enzyme and Mineral Blend.
Research published in the scientific journal Rejuvenation Research, reports where researchers believe that by lengthening telomeres — the caps on the ends of chromosomes that keep DNA intact as cells divide – may increase life span.
Shortened telomeres have been linked with aging and a lowered immune response.
(*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. The information provided is not intended to serve as a prescription, or to diagnose, treat or replace the advice of your medical doctor. If you have any medical conditions or are taking prescription or non-prescription medications, consult your physician before altering or discounting the use of them.)
  • 100% organic
  • Vegan capsules

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