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Resveratrol and Grape Seed Extract in your diet prevents heart disease

Note from Carolyn:
Since my Mom died from Alzheimer’s you can bet I looked twice at this article. Instead of running to the store for something new I will continue reaching for my good anti-oxidants.

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It`s important to understand that many of the top 10 killer diseases have one metabolic factor in common. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer`s disease and the process of aging are all accelerated by wild blood sugar swings that lead to insulin resistance. Humans have not evolved to consume a diet of unnatural processed chemicals, sugar, salt and hydrogenated fats. Eating foods composed of these artificially manufactured substances affects the biochemical and electrical function of our genes and cells that lead to disease. In addition to following a predominately raw diet, health conscious individuals can complement their healthy lifestyle with natural grape seed extract and resveratrol to reap multi-modal risk reduction.

Blood Sugar and Insulin Resistance at the Root of the Problem
When we`re young our body has many mechanisms to combat the blood sugar surges caused by a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar. The pancreas pumps out healthy quantities of insulin that effectively mop up excess blood sugar to prevent damage to arteries and vital organs. Since blood sugar doesn`t remain in circulation it isn`t easily converted to triglycerides and stored as body fat.

Eventually around age 35 our pancreatic function begins to decline; either it loses the ability to secrete enough insulin or the insulin becomes ineffective at lowering sugar in the blood. The result is too much sugar and signals the beginning of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, many cancers and obesity.

Resveratrol and Grape Seed Extract Protect the Heart
Nature provides powerful compounds found in the skin of red grapes known as proanthocyanidins that have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and promote heart health. Resveratrol and grape seed extract have been shown to provide critical antioxidant support to the heart muscle.

In a study reported in the journal Nature, researchers demonstrated that grape compounds were able to break down anti-glycation end products that form as a result of high blood sugar levels. AGE`s are known to damage the delicate inner endothelial lining of the coronary arteries setting the stage for heart disease and a heart attack.

Grape Compounds Cross the Blood-Brain Barrier to Improve Brain Health
The underlying cause of dementia and Alzheimer`s disease is rapidly emerging as high blood sugar and insulin resistance in the brain. The results of a study published in the journal Neurology found that the formation of abnormal plaque and tangles in the brain was the result of both elevated blood sugar and insulin levels. Proteins must fold into precise structures to effectively remove plaque buildup and this is inhibited by high glucose and insulin.

Researchers have known that resveratrol and grape seed extract have the unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and provide protection to an aging brain. Studies confirm that grape compounds are able to prevent damaging amyloid proteins from folding into structures that lead to dementia and Alzheimer`s disease.

Resveratrol and grape seed extract are yet another example of how nutrients provided by nature help to prevent disease in man. These compounds take their rightful place next to vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin K and Omega-3 fats as essential components to our health. Health minded people will ensure they consume enough of these powerful nutrients either from diet or supplementation to ensure a long and disease-free life.

Article References:

John Phillip - Natural News
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