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The Grapefruit is a Wonder Fruit

Note from Carolyn:
Some people don’t like the taste of grapefruit. It is a somewhat sweet, sour, and bitter all combined into one. That may be why there are so many health benefits associated with them. If you are going to eat grapefruit pick an organic one. Even though the skins are thick there is no need to risk getting chemicals that have been absorbed by the plants. If you can't eat grapefruit, make sure that you supplement with Complete Vitamins Plus and Metabolic Complete. I do disagree with the article in one aspect. Cattle are not meant to eat grapefruit. Get your meat and milk from organic sources that feed the cattle the way they were intended to be fed, free range grass.
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Grapefruits are a popular citrus fruit enjoyed by millions of people and are often eaten regularly as a breakfast staple as well as a popular snack. What many may not be aware of is that grapefruits are also one of the most highly regarded fruits when it comes to healthy nutrients and health benefits. Grapefruits contains powerful antioxidants and valuable nutrients, such as Vitamins C, A, K, D, and B complex. Other important nutrients contained in grapefruits are potassium, folic acid, calcium, phytonutrients and phosphorus.

Consuming grapefruits on a regular basis boosts the immune system and helps prevent colds. Additionally, grapefruit juice is effective in healing sore throats, eliminating coughs, and reducing fevers. Grapefruits are also instrumental in increasing the body's alkalinity and reducing acidity, and in preventing or treating various diseases.

Grapefruits additional benefits include:

*Promoting proper functioning of the digestive system. The fibers in the fruit aid in preventing constipation.
*Controlling blood pressure.
*Lowering cholesterol.
*Helps to control blood sugar levels. Grapefruits are an excellent addition to a diet for diabetics.
*Alleviates fatigue. Those needing a quick pick-me-up will find that a glass of grapefruit and lemon juice, mixed in equal parts, will dispel general fatigue.
*Relieves insomnia. People suffering from this condition should drink one glass of grapefruit juice before going to sleep.
*Daily consumption of grapefruits seems to relieve inflammation caused by inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
*And, last but not least, grapefruits contain fat burning enzymes that are instrumental in promoting weight loss.

Grapefruits can be classified as one of "nature's medicines" as they are instrumental in addressing various diseases. One important attribute is that grapefruits have anti-cancer properties which can help prevent and help treat certain types of cancer. A recent study conducted at UCLA and Zhongshan University in China concluded that a beneficial plant compound found in grapefruit, Naringenin, helped repair DNA in human prostate cancer cells.

It should be noted, however, that grapefruits do interact with certain medications which may cause potentially dangerous side effects. This is due to the fact that they interfere in the absorption of certain medications. Therefore, if taking medications, consult a qualified health professional before consuming grapefruits or grapefruit extracts.

On a final note, grapefruits can also be beneficial to the environment, itself. Little known facts are that grapefruit hulls can be used to condition soil. Old grapefruit trees can be salvaged for firewood, and, lastly, grapefruit hulls and dried grapefruit can be used to feed cattle when combined with dried pulp.

Luella May - Natural News
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