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Cancer Myths

There is a lot of ‘science’ out there in the world that we accept as true, that maybe we shouldn’t. Here are a few that have been in the news recently.

Tanning Beds – the government is so sure that tanning beds cause skin cancer that many states have extra taxes that only tanning salons have to pay. The truth is that there is evidence going back as far as 2007 that the light rays are emitted by tanning beds induce a reaction in the skin that actually protects it from cancer. While many people think that tanned skin is damaged it is actually healthier than light skin. The color comes from melanin, a chemical the body makes as a protectant. People that cannot tan, but can burn are more likely to get cancer than those who tan easily. To make your skin easier to tan increase your antioxidant intake. Then slowly increase your time in the sun, or the tanning bed.

Emotions don’t affect our health – This is a big one. There is a boatload of evidence that shows that strong emotions can cause or cure us of all sorts of diseases, especially cancer. Anger, hostility, bitterness, unforgiveness, envy, etc. are cancer cell's allies. They trigger the body to produce chemicals that feed the cancer. On the flip side being understanding, forgiving, and reducing stress in your life triggers the body to clean those bad chemicals out and produce new ones that make the immune system stronger.

What we eat doesn’t matter – many people going through cancer or other serious illness lose weight. In an effort to slow that weight loss the caregivers ‘tempt’ them with anything they will eat, especially sweets. This is about the worst thing someone with cancer can eat. Sweets feed the cancer instead of the body. The immune system becomes weaker and the cancer becomes stronger. Instead of sweets studies show that the person needs small amounts of proteins and large amount of good fats. What are the good fats? Coconut oil and olive oil. Both can be eaten raw or used on the skin. Coconut oil can be used to cook with, but never cook with olive oil.

Mammograms prevent cancer – The truth is that mammograms cause cancer. Mammograms are a form of x-ray. X-rays flood the body with radiation. Radiation causes cancer. Therefore, the more mammograms you get the more likely you are to get cancer. Mammograms sometimes detect cancer, but only at a stage that it is visible on the x-ray. If you are really scared about getting cancer then opt for an annual thermography. This is a non-invasive test that measures the temperature of the tissue. Cancerous tissues always show up hot. This detects cancer at a much earlier stage than mammography can, without harming the body with radiation. This doesn’t even touch on the physical and emotional damage caused by false positive mammograms, which are more common than anyone will admit.

If you are diagnosed with cancer your best option is chemotherapy. There is a growing body of evidence that there are other options besides surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. Eliminating all toxins from the diet, then from the body is a big key. This needs to be followed up with providing the nutrients the body is lacking. If your wall is falling down you don’t start breaking the bricks in it to try to strengthen it. Instead you start reinforcing it and replacing any missing bricks. We need to be constantly doing that with our diet and personal care products, whether or not we have been diagnosed with cancer.

We are out of room, and have barely scratched the surface of this topic. There are many more myths out there about cancer, as well as our health in general. Keep your eyes and mind open and you may see some things that will surprise you.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of the author(s). Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the authors. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.