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Anti Aging Supplements

We are all looking for that "magic bullet" that delays the natural aging process. One answer to aging gracefully is in what you eat - fruits, vegetables, green tea, and a host of other healthful foods that are rich in antioxidants and other potentially age-deterring compounds.

However here are some supplements that studies have shown offer support in your quest for the "fountain of youth".

Folate (Folic Acid) – Folate affects the integrity of DNA by providing precursors to nucleotide synthesis via methylation pathways. Research has shown a positive association between folate status and telomere length.1

Magnesium – Researchers measured a decrease in telomere length in magnesium deficient rat liver cells, when compared to a control group with no induced magnesium deficiency.2

Zinc – When the relationship between telomere shortening and zinc status was investigated, researchers found that impaired zinc homeostasis, which is linked to an increase in inflammatory markers, was associated with critical shortening of telomeres3

B Vitamins – Increased homocysteine levels are associated with shortened telomeres.8,9 Deficiencies in vitamins B6, B12 or folate can impair homocysteine metabolism, raising its level in blood and linking it with accelerated telomere loss. Administration of vitamin B3 to human fibroblasts decreases the rate of telomere shortening, extending their lifespan.4

Vitamin C – Administration of vitamin C to human epithelial cells mitigates telomere loss via reduction of reactive oxygen species.5,6

Vitamin D – A potent inhibitor of the proinflammatory response, higher vitamin D concentrations have been associated with longer telomere length in leukocytes.7

Telomerere health
- A deficiency of telomerase results in a gradual shortening of telomere repeats upon successive cell divisions, limiting viability and ending with cell death in a process called replicative senescence.8

Antioxidants - Powerful antioxidants such as glutathione, reservatrol and superoxide dismutase function to slow telomere shortening at the cellular level. Proper function and balance of various antioxidants in the body is critical for telomere health9

Magnesium Gel 8 oz Magnesium Oil 8 oz B-Complex Plus - 60 capsules
Magnesium Gel
List Price: $39.00
Our Price: $39.00
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Magnesium Oil
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Our Price: $29.00
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B Complex Plus - Enzyme Research Products
List Price: $25.00
Our Price: $25.00
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Ancient Minerals ultra pure magnesium gel Ancient Minerals ultra pure magnesium oil B Complex Plus. 60 count bottle.
Vitamin B12 Strips Enzyme Research Products Calcium Magnesium and Potassium Plus - 90 capsules
B12 Strips - Essential Source
List Price: $14.95
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Calcium Magnesium and Potassium Plus - Enzyme Research Products
List Price: $16.50
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Vitamin B12. Innovation and convenience with a strip placed on the tongue. Calcium Magnesium and Potassium Plus. 90 count bottle.
1. Telomere length in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in associated with folate status in men. Paul L et al. J Nutr. 2009
2. Effects of long-term dietary intake of magnesium on oxidative stress, apoptosis and ageing in rat liver. Martin H et al. Magnes Res. 2008;21(2):124-30
3. Accumulation of cells with short telomeres is associated with impaired zinc homeostasis and inflammation in old hypertensive patients. Cipriano C et al. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2009;64(7):745-51
4. Nicotinamide extends replicative lifespan of human cells. Kang HT et al. Aging Cell. 2006;5(5):423-36
5. Age-dependent telomere shortening is slowed down by enrichment of intracellular vitamin C via suppression of oxidative stress. Furumoto K et al. Life Sci. 1998;63(11):935-48.
6. Slow-down of age-dependent telomere shortening is executed in human skin keratinocytes by hormesis-like effects of trace hydrogen peroxide or by anti-oxidative effects of pro-vitamin C in common concurrently with reduction of intracellular oxidative stress. Yokoo S et al. J Cell Biochem. 2004;93(3):588-97.
7. Higher serum vitamin D concentrations are associated with longer leukocyte telomere length in women. Richards JB et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007;86(5):1420-1425.
8. Reconstitution of telomerase activity in normal human cells leads to elongation of telomeres and extended replicative life span. Vaziri and Benchimol. Current Biology, Volume 8, Issue 5, 279-282, 1998
9. Extracellular superoxide dismutase is a major antioxidant in human fibroblasts and slows telomere shortening. Serra V et al. J Biol Chem. 2003;278(9):6824-30

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