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AllergiesAllergies have been described as an overreaction by the body to an unknown substance that would otherwise be harmless. What does that mean? Let's take pollen as an example. We are all aware that pollen is a leading cause of allergic reactions. Is pollen harmful to the human body? Not unless you are allergic to it. Pollen is an unknown or foreign substance to the body. Some people can breathe in pollen and absolutely nothing happens. Other people can have reactions, and some go to the extreme of life threatening reactions. What are the differences? I'm not a medical doctor, so I can't give you the medical reasons, so let's just look at it from the common sense side, like we always do in these articles.I have personally had allergies for many years. There was a time period I had constant headaches, just bad enough to prevent me from functioning normally. The constant pain caused depression. Thankfully I am no longer plagued by them. The difference is that I quit listening to my medical doctor, who said there is no such thing as a cure for allergies, and sought out some nontraditional help. The biggest breakthrough came from a chiropractor who used a process called BioSet on me. This process se my reactions to the substance I was allergic to. Since finishing that process I have learned a lot more about allergies. Some schools of thought say that the immune system overreacts to the substances because the immune system is weak. The causes for this weakness can be from two different sources. There is strong evidence that for a child an environment that is too clean can cause the immune system not to develop properly. Those that have studied allergies site the fact that people in third world countries where children grow up with a lot of dirt and unsanitary conditions have less allergies than those in more advanced cultures where germs are continually eradicated. Grandma's old saying that a child eating a little bit of dirt is good for them may have some background in truth. The concept behind this is that if the immune system in never properly challenged then it is not taught what a threat is and what isn't. The second cause of a weak immune system is one that is overworked. If your immune system is being stressed on a daily basis it may just begin thinking that every foreign substance is a threat, and quit differentiating them. So what stresses an immune system? Besides actual illness an immune system can be stressed by stress. Our fight or flight mechanism releases chemicals into our bodies that temporarily reduce the effectiveness of our immune system. This is thought to be based on the logic that if you are running for your life you need all your energy to run, not to heal the paper cut on your hand. This reaction is fine if your fight or flight mechanism only engages a couple of times a year, or even once a week, but many of us are living in a state of constant stress to the degree that our bodies are never functioning completely normally. Another thing that stresses our immune system is poor digestion. This can be caused by not enough enzymes in our foods, or not enough good bacteria in our digestive tract. For me it was both. The chiropractor asked if there was ever a time when I was given a large dose of an extremely strong anti-biotic. When I told her there was she said that was probably the reason I was allergic to so many foods. Without the proper enzymes and bacteria our bodies don't digest food completely. This undigested food then releases toxins into the system that our bodies react to. Undigested food can actually be small enough that it can get into the blood stream. Many people who have had Blood Microscopy have seen evidence of undigested proteins in their blood. Your immune system will see these as invaders and try to destroy them, thereby setting up an allergic response to them. So what are you to do? Find ways to reduce the stress in your life. Don't be overzealous about using anti-bacterial everything. Don't take antibiotics unless you really need them. Make sure you get enough enzymes in your diet. The easiest way to do this is to take Plant Enzymes from Enriching Gifts International with every meal. If you know your body is depleted of good bacteria (which most of us are) take some Pr-Biotic with FOS from Enriching Gifts International. The good bacteria in this product are the kinds that will actually colonize your digestive tract. Once colonized you won't have to take them every day like you would with something like yogurt. If your immune system is already weak then strengthen it with Sterol Max from Enriching Gifts International. The plant sterols in this product strengthen the immune system. It also allows it to come back into balance, so that it should neither under react nor overreact. This will not only help prevent allergies from developing but a strong immune system is our first defense in preventing many other diseases as well. (This information is not intended to serve as a prescription, or to diagnose, treat or replace the advice of your medical doctor. If you have any medical conditions or are taking prescription or non-prescription medications, consult your physician before altering or discounting the use of them.)